Everyone gets excited when somebody new comes to town. It provides some change and the opportunity to make new friends in an easy way! Once the dust settles and you feel like you are finally unpacked and adjusted into your new surroundings take the time to put some effort into meeting your new neighbors. Sure, you probably have introduced yourself or given a friendly wave as you drive by but not yet taken the time to actually go over and get to know them a little better. There is no better way to do this then to bring a gift that is a great ice breaker. Now this can go both ways. Maybe you are the one who is getting the new neighbor moving in next door. It is important to introduce yourself and be a friendly and welcoming face into the new neighborhood. Here are some great housewarming gift ideas that will make the perfect welcome present.
Bring a Meal
Everyone loves food! Bringing a home-cooked meal is one of the best gifts that you can bring in this instance. Maybe your new neighbors haven’t had a chance to go grocery shopping and by you bringing them dinner they wont have to stress about where to go and take the time to deal with dinner. Even picking up a pizza and going to say hello can be very appreciated.
Fresh-Baked Cookies
Right along with food is cookies and desserts. Pull out your grandma’s famous sugar cookie recipe and whip up a couple batches for your new neighbors. Instead of waiting for them to come and introduce themselves, this is a great way for you to get out there and break the ice. Cookies are also a great way for your kids to start making friends with the new neighborhood children. Superb advice for shy kids moving to a new area.
Gift Cards
Surprise your new neighbors with some gift cards to local shops and restaurants. Moving is stressful and providing a gift card for a night out for dinner will give them a chance to relax and will also let them explore their new neighborhood and get to know what is around them. No matter how much we plan we are always overlooking or forgetting something and a gift card to even a simple department store can help someone get that “one thing” they need for their décor.
Welcome Basket
This is one of the best gifts to make! Stuff their basket with chocolates, candles, soaps, popcorn, movies, or anything that is fun and they will be able to use in their first weeks in their new home. Who wouldn’t want a basket of goodies with popcorn and movies? Another good tip for this is to collect menus from local restaurants so they will have the takeout menus available to them to all of the good local places. You know which restaurants are the best and which they should avoid, so give them a one up so they don’t have to try for themselves. A gift basket is also a fun way to get the kids involved in case your new neighbors have kids. Have them draw welcome cards or pictures for the other kids and the family. It adds a sweet personal touch!
Neighborhood Party
This idea isn’t exactly a material gift but more of a social one! Once your new neighbors have settled, plan a neighborhood gathering with your other neighbors that will allow everyone to get together and know one another. When you have a party and of course food, it will always be a good time. Planning this party will allow your new neighbors a chance to meet everyone in a neutral, upbeat environment. Besides throwing the party for your new neighbors, it’s a great way to get all the neighbors together in general to catch up.
Fresh Flowers
No matter what the situation is, everybody loves receiving flowers. Especially in a new home, having flowers to put on your kitchen table or center island will instantly spruce the place up. They bring a nice scent and appeal to any home, and in the haste and chaos of unpacking it is always nice to have some beauty in the house. When people move, they feel the urge and rush to start decorating and put the finishing touches on their new home. Bringing flowers will help them feel like their house is becoming a home and they don’t have to stress about getting everything done as fast as possible. Here is a great local florist in near us!.
Personalized Gifts
After you meet your neighbors and maybe learn of their name a really great gift to give is something personalized. Cutting boards, new home Christmas ornaments, pillows, wooden signs, the list goes on and on. These gifts are sentimental and will be something that you new neighbors will keep forever remembering their new home and the life they lived there. Personalized stamps are all the rage now and would make a great gift that they could use forever in their new home. Etsy is probably the best place to start with your search. They have thousands of different options of personalizing stuff and will give your new neighbors a great welcoming gift!
Dinner at Your Place
Maybe invite them over to your house for dinner! If you can’t throw a full blown neighborhood party, the next best thing is to invite the whole family over for dinner. This gives the kids a chance to play and get to know each other while the adults can talk and drink over dinner. This is also a great way to give them a break from worrying about dinner!
Wine – A Classic
Gather up some of your favorite ones, and try to add some local ones in there and create a little wine basket for your new neighbors. Throw in some cheese, a new wine opener, wines, and maybe some wine charms. This is also a good excuse to get together and enjoy the wine together.
New neighbors can become your lifetime friends and friends that you will cherish forever whether or not someone moves down the road. Housewarming gifts are a great way to introduce yourself and get to know your neighbors better. It will welcome them to the neighborhood and make them feel like they belong.
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